Some Assembly Required by Ryan Plunkett




We are excited to present to you the first project by Chicago-based magician, Ryan Plunkett. This book includes 6 highly original routines. These are detailed in 56 pages with 36 custom illustrations. The foreword is written by Singapore’s Harapan Ong.

Contents Include:

Patet Pondus – A utility concept that gives the illusion of producing or vanishing a deck of cards from an empty card case. Included are two routines using the concept.

The Mexican-American War – An adaptation of Paul Curry’s effect, “Touch.” Three predictions are placed on the table and any three cards are selected. The predictions are then revealed to match the selections!

Stock Lines – This extremely clever effect takes a game by Harapan Ong and explores its magical potential.

Pac-Man Sam – Here’s a fun way to reveal a selection, and to get your audience highly interested in the process! A card is selected, signed, and lost into the pack. A Pac-Man card is introduced and begins to jump through the deck in search of the selection; only to run into surprising twists and turns along the way.

Ms. Pac-Man – A simplified handling of Pac-Man Sam by Justin Purcell.

Fly By Night – A three-fly for the visually impaired. Three different colored disks roughly 2 1/2 inches in diameter jump from hand to hand. Easy to see – impossible to believe!