We asked our members who they wanted to learn more from, and one answer was overwhelming: Aaron Alexander.
Aaron Alexander may well be the most sought after author in the mystery art community. His work has been featured in some of the top acts in the world by mentalists, magicians, hypnotists, as well as other artists and performers.
After coming out with “Pygmalion Effects: Reality as an Art” years ago and causing an earthquake for his approach to “real magic“, he disappeared.
During this time, he kept working on his past effects, and creating new ones.
We are excited to announce that over the past months we have been working with Aaron to put the best parts of his new and old work together into a single course.
We are kickstarting this project with early-bird signups from those members who are especially excited to get in on this material.
Too often we as performers are fed the idea that we need to buy the next technique, prop, trick, effect, book, to be any good. We spend a lot of money, time and energy following the next shiny object, but we are also constantly blinded by the real source of “real magic”: the human mind and interaction.
Aaron is known to create effects that use no props but the human mind and body, and seem to defy any possible logic. At the root of them all lies his mindset in creating shared moments of wonder with his participants.
The focus will not be on making you dependent on us for effects though, but to teach you the ideas and principles that allow to build your own and adapt them to whatever art you practice. You will acquire a new mindset and new tools, allowing you to evolve your current art to unthinkable levels. You will be showing something that people recognize as real and unfakable.
Is this only for magicians/hypnotists/mentalists?
No, this course will be of immense benefit for anybody who wants to create for others or for themselves the joy of experiencing a sense of the magical, like when we were kids. Usually a performance setting is the perfect scenario where you can apply this principles for obvious reasons, but ideally you can (and you should) use these principles with your everyday interactions.
Everybody that has to relate in a deep and meaningful with somebody else will benefit immensely from these principles. In fact, some of the most interest in Aaron’s past work was from teachers and therapists.
Will it suit my style of performing?
Of course. Being this a “naked” method, you can dress it as you like.
Exclusive ongoing coaching
This course will include ongoing coaching by Aaron himself. You will have access to an exclusive, private community PLUS you will have a monthly webinar where you can have live interactions with Aaron himself.
Human logOS
We are also adding Human logOS, Powa model of the mind that’s like having the missing instruction manual. You will also learn it, and how you can “read” The Edge through its lens!
Who the f
ck is Aaron Alexander? Why shall I care about him?
Good question. Aaron is kinda of an underground figure that gained a lot of respect from very BIG names in the industry for his fresh and unconventional approach.
Then he disappeared for various reasons.
His material is regarded as “disruptive” and on the official “The Edge” page you can see some testimonials.
The only way to learn more about him, is to download “The Ant Queen”, a small booklet that Aaron decided to give out for free
This way you can have a little taste of what “The Edge” is going to be…
I’m interested, but I’m scared too! what if it’s not for me?
The best way to wet your feet, so to speak, is to buy (P)sync alone first (which is included in The Edge).
It’s smaller in scope, but it has the same philosophy behind it.
If you like (P)sync , you are going to love The Edge.
… and don’t forget, (P)sync c students have a $15 extra discount for purchasing The Edge, so you can wet your feet with confidence!
Is [NAME OF VERY ASS KICKING EFFECT] part of this package?
The answer to all of the “will X be included” questions is “maybe/partly”, but in a good way.
First, because we will finalize the curriculum partly based on demand.
Second, because the idea is to give you all the tools you need to start building your own effects, and we will include effects that best show the principles in a way that works well in writing/video.
Aaron has learned over the years that some versions of the effects and routines that he does are much better taught in person, that’s why we are also coming up with a mastermind event.
For example, the online course and updated books give you enough tools to build your own version of an effect like Push and how to play such a thing so that it so it lands strong, but not his full personal handling.
Included so far:
The Invisible Rope, where you create a rope out of thin air, and can pull people over, tie them up, or whatever you like. This is also
The Skull, where an ordinary object becomes too heavy to hold.
Schodinger’s coin, a conversational demonstration where the participant has the indescribable experience of the idea of a coin split from the coin itself.
Ad Infinitum, where a participant suddenly and surprisingly a genius power that they–and we all–have.
Happiness, where we learn how to spread joy with a stranger.
Hypno-Coffee, possibly the best party trick of all time, but also an illustration of how to suddenly shift perception and focus.
More is being added as we go, but more importantly, these are all used to demonstrate larger principles that we can use to create real moments of magic and connection with anyone.
Is [NAME OF VERY ASS KICKING BOOK BY AARON] part of this package?
You are going to get for sure 2 books by Aaron:
1) Reality as an Art
This is an updated version of Pygmalion Effects: Reality as an Art (more info here:
It is a book about how to create perception-bending feats that feel like magic and shows how they really might be magic.
2) Antithesis
Antithesis is what grew out of a book that Aaron wrote but ended up not sharing a few years ago called Counterpoint, exploring what we believe about magic and why, and how if we do things completely backwards, we actually get something that might be real magic.
Antithesis goes further the Reality as an Art , explaining why these things affect us as they do, and how to create these moments with or without special effects, in performance and beyond.
I have a very interesting dilemma… I want to learn from Aaron, so I’d love to jump right in, but I’ve read about the live mastermind in some exotic place in the world, like the one you did in Bali… and of course given the option I’d rather get that. What shall I do?
Well, this is an easy one : EVERY CENT YOU SPEND ON “THE EDGE” will be converted in a discount voucher to come to the live mastermind event, so you can invest in this program with confidence.
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